Commensalist Community
Welcome to our community page! Here we bring people together to inspire each other and take action for the regeneration of as much land as possible. Here you can get free information about everything about food forests and regenerative agriculture. Because together we can make a bigger impact and make the world greener and more sustainable.
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Here we share expertise and insights about landscape design and give you inspiration for your own project.

Documentary: Saar & Louis in the food forest
Saartje Vandendriessche and founder Louis De Jaeger enter the food forest together in search of answers.

Edible garden webinar series
8 fascinating webinars with tips & tricks to make your garden or landscape edible.

Be inspired by some of our lectures.

Food forest course
Take our free food forest course with 16 informative videos! Learn the basics about food forests.

View our frequently used plant species here.